ECL sarjat tulee tuomaroida ainakin yhden ICU sertifioidun (vähintään level 2) tuomarin toimesta, joka ei ole kotoisin maasta, jossa kilpailu järjestetään.
The ECL scoring system takes into account the fact that different ECL competitions are judged by different judges’ panels on different days and also under different competition conditions. To be as impartial as possible, the ECL scoring system is placement based.
There are three categories of points that teams can receive and that will be added together for each ECL competition:
- Attendance Points
– 10 points for attending
Any team that registers, shows up and competes at an ECL competition will receive 10 points, unless that team is disqualified.
- 100 Point System
– 1st = 100 pts
– 2nd = 90 pts
– 3rd = 80 pts
– 4th = 70 pts
– 5th = 60 pts
– 6th = 50 pts
– 7th = 40 pts
– 8th = 30 pts
– 9th = 20 pts
– 10th = 10 pts
– 11th and lower = 0 pts
The 100 point system is what determines the points awarded for a team’s final placement. If a tie occurs at a competition, a team will be awarded the points for a team that has placed two spots down. Example: If there is a tie for 1st place and a team is the next highest after the tie, then this team will be awarded the points for a 3rd place team.
III. Placement Points
– 5 points awarded for each team your team outscores will be given up to the 15th place.
These points will be awarded for scoring higher than other teams in the division at an ECL competition. Example: A team places 2nd in a division with 5 other teams in it. This team will receive 15 points for outscoring 3 other teams (3 x 5pts).
Foreign teams (teams from non-ECU members) that are participating on the ECL competition are also taken into account when placement points are calculated for the ECU teams. However, foreign teams do not get any ECL points since they are not eligible to participate in the ECL.
Final season ranking in Team Divisions:
Each team may compete in as many competitions during the season as they want. However, only their best 3 point totals will be accumulated for their final score for the season 2020. If a team attends less than 3 competitions, all received point totals will be accumulated in their final score. If a team is not a member of ECU Federation, they will be included in ECL rankings and marked as non-members, which means they cannot win bids for ECU Europeans.
If a division is tied in the first place, the following criteria will be taken into account to determine the winner of the ECL:
- The winner becomes the team that has participated in more ECL events (in the division concerned).
- If the winner cannot be decided by the first criteria then the winner becomes the team that has participated on more ECL events where there were 3 or more teams (in the division concerned).
- If the winner cannot be decided by the first and second criteria, then the winner becomes the team that has participated on more ECL event outside their country (in the division concerned).
Final season ranking in Doubles:
Each double may compete in as many competitions during the season as they want. However, only their best 3 point totals will be accumulated for their final score for the season 2020. If a double attend less than 3 competitions, all received point totals will be accumulated in their final score. If a doubles team is not a member of ECU Federation, they will included in ECL rankings and marked as non-members, which means they cannot win bids for ECU Europeans.
If the division is tied on the first place the following criteria will be taken into account to determine the winner of the ECL:
- The winner becomes the doubles that has participated on more ECL events (in the division concerned).
- If the winner cannot be decided by the first criteria then the winner becomes the double that has participated on more ECL events where there were 3 or more double (in the division concerned).
- If the winner cannot be decided by the first and second criteria then the winner becomes the doubles that has participated on more ECL event outside their country (in the division concerned).
Each double may register one substitute athlete. This must be done before the very first ECL competition they are attending. This roster of three athletes (2 +1) will be taken in account when calculating ECL points and determining the eligibility to qualify and compete in the ECU Europeans doubles divisions. If a substitute athlete is registered at a later time or if any of the athletes becomes a part of another doubles team (2+1), the ECL points for these new teams will be calculated separately.
Teams must be registered under the same family names (in alphabetical order) in order to avoid any errors in point calculations. Additionally, athletes must be registered under the name used in their official ID document. Be advised that registering three-member teams might also mean additional registration costs for the doubles teams.
Clarification by example: Mia Jones, Nina Novak and John Smith must always be registered as ‘Jones, Novak, Smith’ (in that order). Team ‘Smith, Novak, Jones’, for example, can be recognized as a different team and be attributed ECL points as a team a part.
If at any point, Smith decides to quit the team and gets replaced by ‘Tina Black, then team Black, Jones, Novak’ will be considered as a new team and will be ranked as a separate team in the ECL rankings.